Rapti Ghosh (rapti@uchicago.edu)
Postdoctoral Associate
Research topics
2D Materials, FET designing, Heavy metal ion sensing, Gas sensing, Photosensing, Electrochemistry
Rapti received her Ph.D. degree in Physics at the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (R.O.C) in 2022. After completion of Ph.D., she joined as a Post-doc in the Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan (R.O.C). In July 2023, she joined as a Post-doc in Dr. Chen's group and her research focuses on designing, fabrication, and characterization of field-effect transistor (FET) sensors based on 2D nanomaterials and their heterostructures for the detection of chemical and biological species in air and in water.
Current Research
Current Research
Rapti’s research focuses on FET-component designing via diverse techniques (Ink-jet printing, CVD, etc.) out of nature-derived materials to detect different ion concentrations in water and in air. Her publication details and research works are enlisted here.